Published on Phase9 Entertainment November 2003
Another 2003 release from the champion of all that is world music, Music Mosaic, who are back with a brave compilation that really captures their motto "the pulse of global harmony". For those who are not familiar with the Music Mosaic series, the compilers track down the best that world music artists have to offer. This unique series aims to mix the traditional with the modern and the results have so far not been disappointing. Using beats as the main theme for this release DRUMMING PLANET could sound tribal and primitive but with a sprinkling of modern technology, we have another enjoyable set of tunes. DRUMMING CIRCLE by the dance act Professor Trance starts of with a sole shaman's drum joined by various drummers from around the world. Adesa from Ghana attempts to drive away death on KEONUKPO with rhythm and impressive vocal harmonies. A mix of Oriental mystery and rhythm follows both the musical Keiya's THE PRODICAL SON and Solace's THE SHISHA ROOM. Images of Arabian nights come in the shape of UTSHEVA by Baul Bishwa. There is a sense of going back to nature on both Gomer Edwin Evans' THE OWL DANCE and Phil Thornton's SAMHAIN. Even the stripped down, back to basic TALKING DRUMS by Ariel Kalma manages to keep the vibe up. There are also the tracks that do not seem to go anywhere such as Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors' INVOCATION and Native Ground's SISTER'S GONNA DANCE NOW. While mildly interesting and hypnotic, both tracks rarely leave the starting blocks. As always, a lot
of work has been put in compiling these tracks and as with most compilations
there will be some tracks that will disappoint but overall, this is
another quality release from the Music Mosaic label. |
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