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Published on Jive Magazine
The Evil Couch

(4/23/02 10:30:41 pm)

Lotus Groove

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Artist: Various
Album: Lotus Groove
Label: Music Mosaic
Reviewed by: The Evil Couch

Another great CD of what can only be termed Ethnic Electronic Music comes from Music Mosaic. A wide variety of styles are on this disk, ranging from Mediterranean sounds, to Indian, to Middle-Eastern. A big difference between this disk and Didgeridoo: Trance Dance is tempo. This album is much deeper, much slower. It lets the rhythms take their time to build, ensnaring the listener, like a snake, and then uncoiling, slowly releasing you.

The music genres, like the regional influences, vary greatly on this disk. Some songs are clearly meant for the dance floor, such as the opening track, "Sufi Groove". Others are only barely able to be qualified as being Electronic. These songs, are ethnically themed Classical songs, with synthetic instruments being used to help supplement the sound of the traditional instruments.

After being spoiled by the Didgeridoo: Trance Dance release, I had higher expectations for this disk. I wanted to hear more songs that could be danced to. While it remains an excellent selection, it falls short of the mark set by their previous album. If you're in the mood for something different or if you just love hearing the REAL Indian Trance, then this is the top of your shopping list.

I give it 3 and a half Roti (Indian biscuits).

For more information, visit : www.music-mosaic.com

Edited by: Lowtekium at: 4/26/02 7:04:47 pm

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